Sunday 5 February 2012

Struggling through the snow

When I woke up this morning and peeped through the curtains, I saw the blanket of snow covering the ground and thought how beautiful it was. It was pristine, with just one set of tyre tracks on the road where someone had left the estate earlier. The tracks we made coming home last night had been long covered up.

The YFG came downstairs when she heard me about, and her first question was about the snow, "Is it still there?" as she had been too afraid to look out herself in case it had all disappeared in the night - that would have been a tremendous disappointment to her!

Since I really don't like to drive in the snow, and we have got 4 or 5 inches here, she and I decided that we would walk to church this morning. The FH thought we were mad and declined to join us, but it felt wrong to stay at home when I knew that the preacher was going to come out from Wesley House in Cambridge. If he could make it through the snow all that way, I was jolly sure I was going to make it a mile up the road even on foot. We managed, and it took about 25 minutes as it was quite hard going through the deep snow. We had a good service and it was worth going. A gentleman with a 4x4 kindly gave us a lift home to the top of the road so that was easier coming home.

I cooked toad in the hole for lunch and then promptly fell asleep for about 90 minutes! Later on, the YFG and I cleared the snow from the front pathway and around my car in case I need to go anywhere tomorrow - although I really hope I don't!! The EFG has been out with a friend on the green, snowballing one another, and the YFG is out now at a friend's house, making a snowman. It is dark now though, so I hope she'll be home soon.

An excellent evening on the tv tonight with Countryfile, Call the Midwife and Wild at Heart, just perfect to accompany a heap of ironing. Keep warm and I'll pop back tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mrs. Mac said...

Good for you making it to church on foot through the snow today. I hope you stay safe and warm during your snowy cold spell.